Sunday, August 11, 2013

Back breaking work

I think the Shakers had something when they insisted on Sunday as being a day of rest.  I wish I had opted for that instead of the work I did today.  LOL!
Yesterday I decided to make my perennial garden bigger.  I didn't have anything blooming so I decided I needed more plants.  And when I bought more plants, I needed more room in the know the story, except there's no mouse involved.
First, I pulled out all of the day lilies. I dug a new garden bed and planted them.  Then I (well actually Jamie did) hauled out purple irises. They are still on the front lawn.  I'm not sure where I am going to tuck them.  I've moved various little plants around, etc.  Aunt Bonnie gave me pink Astilbe and coral bells and I'll plant those tomorrow.  The digging and yanking having me aching all over.
When I haven't been gardening I have been applying coats of paint to the bathroom walls.  Today we installed the toilet, painted the window trim, caulked the shower and cleaned up.
I am also working on another project.  When I was a kid, my dad made me a small, wooden toy box.  Today I trucked it home from Mom and Dad's and I am in the process of re-painting it to use for towels in the upstairs bathroom (at least while we figure out the linen closet).  I might even have to venture into making a cushion...
Yesterday we also went to the Producer's Fair.  What a great time we had!  Yummy food and a few visits with knitting friends.  I love my knitting friends!  Donna, if you are reading this, call me!  I'll help you with your quilting question! My favorites at the fair: VegetaBalls pesto, Walpole Creamery mocha chip ice cream , and the iced coffee (with maple syrup) (I can't remember the vendor)!
That's enough for tonight.  I'm tired.  It's time to rest.

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